Friday, June 28, 2013

What's all this talk about Bloglovin'

All of this is new to me anyway but I hear that Google Reader is going away as of July 1st. Since my blog is just in it's beginnings this problem doesn't really effect me, but you as bloggers will be effected because one of the benefits of blogging is getting notified when our favorite bloggers post. So if you want along and be notified of my posts when they are posted be sure to click the follow me button in the right hand column.
Happy Blogging!


  1. So glad you have joined us here in the blogging world! :)
    Reading is my favorite subject to teach so I'll be following to make sure I keep up with all of your great ideas!


  2. Welcome to the blogging world! I'm pretty new myself - just started in late March - but I've made so many great connections, and learned so much! I'm your newest follower!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
